Windows App Developer Links - 2014-11-24
Windows App Development
Inside Windows Platform - Inside Microsoft OCR Libraries (Building Apps for Windows)
WindowsPhone: Write Text on Image (Subramanyam Raju)
How to Install Cocos2d-x to Build Windows Store Apps (MS Open Tech)
Goodbye BooleanToVisibilityConverter, welcome IsVisible! (Toni Petrina)
Expired certificate error with Cordova building for Windows (Kraig Brockschmidt)
Visual Studio & .NET
New Features in C# 6 (Microsoft C# Team)
One Week of Open Source (.NET Framework Blog)
Digging Into .NET Loop Performance, Bounds-checking, Iteration, and Unrolling (Ben Watson)
Native Memory Diagnostics in VS2015 Preview (Visual C++ Team)
Tools, Libraries, Frameworks, & Controls
Now available: xUnit for Windows Phone 8 Silverlight (Oren Novotny)
Windows 8 Platform starter kit has gone down (Simon Jackson)