Windows App Developer Links - 2014-11-06
Windows App Development
Windows Phone 8.1: Mapping in Windows Phone 8.1 (Microsoft Developer Network)
Add sizzle to your app with image effects: Part 3 (Win2D Team)
CocosSharp Custom Particle Systems on Windows Phone (Michael Bluestein)
WP game developer? We have a special offer for you (AdDuplex Blog)
Visual Studio & .NET
RyuJIT CTP5: Getting closer to shipping, and with better SIMD support (CLR Code Generation Blog)
Using System.Numerics.Vector for Graphics Programming (.NET Framework Blog)
The Working Programmer: Rise of Roslyn (Microsoft Developer Network)
Tools & Services
- PerfView Version V1.7 released to the web. (Vance Morrison)
Libraries, Frameworks, & Controls
- Json Patch (RFC 6902) support for .NET (Kevin Dockx)
Software Architecture, SDLC, & Testing
Unit Testing Asynchronous Code (Microsoft Developer Network)
Unit Testing Asynchronous Code: Three Solutions for Better Tests (Microsoft Developer Network)
Learning Materials, Events, Videos, & Podcasts
- Using Bing Maps (Visual Studio Toolbox)