Windows App Developer Links - 2014-08-28
Microsoft & Windows
- Spotify now free on Windows Phone (Blogging Windows)
Windows App Development
Creating a simple push service for home automation alerts (Morten Nielsen)
Getting and Setting the SeletedIndex (visible section) of the Hub, now with Binding! (Shawn Kendrot)
Pre-Release tasks when developing Apps (Steve Miller)
Microsoft's Dev Center Benefits program for app developers offers all sorts of goodies and tools (WinBeta)
Cross Platform Development
Poollie: WK 2014 - Lessons Learned From Developing a Successful Multi-Platform App With Xamarin (VincentH)
Tools, Services, Libraries, & Frameworks
Download the updated Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 public preview (Building Apps for Windows)
Kinect for Windows V2 SDK: Hello (BodyIndex, Infra Red) World for the .NET WPF Developer (Mike Taulty)
Learning Materials & Events
- Microsoft 2014 (Microsoft Azure)