Windows App Developer Links - 2014-07-14
Microsoft & Windows
- 5 tips for using Cortana reminders (Windows Phone Blog)
Windows App Development
How To Profit From Selling Digital Products (Part 1) (Smashing Magazine)
A practical guide to MVVM (Light)-Part 2 (Nico Vermeir)
Playing sounds in a Universal Windows MVVM app (Diederik Krols)
Notification @ the heart of your App (MS Premier Field Engineering)
WP 8.0 vs WP 8.1: Alternative way to get screen resolutions (Subramanyam Raju)
Libraries & Frameworks
Welcome to ReactiveUI 6.0 (Paul Betts)
What's new in ReactiveUI 6: ReactiveCommand (Paul Betts)
Reducing MVVM Light Viewmodel Code with Fody Property Dependencies & Custom Property Changed Methods (Jason Roberts)
Tools & Services
- Capturing [Mobile App] Traffic via Virtual Router (Fiddler Blog)
Design & Assets
- Free icon packs for developers (Dean Hume)