Windows App Developer Links - 2014-05-23
Microsoft & Windows
Windows App Development
WindowsPhone 8.1 :Now great "LightSensor" class is available for phone (C#-XAML) (Subramanyam Raju)
Migrating from the Windows Phone Toolkit ListPicker to the new XAML ComboBox (Shawn Kendrot)
Universal apps are confusing because they're not apps... (Matt Lacey)
Create Universal Map App In Under 2 Minutes (Morten Nielsen)
My experience with .NET Native Preview (Windows Store Developer Solutions)
.NET & Cross Platform
.NET Native Deep Dive: Help! I Hit a MissingMetadataException! (.NET Framework Blog)
.NET Native Deep Dive: Help! I Didn't Hit a MissingMetadataException! (.NET Framework Blog)
Going cross-platform with Xamarin-Adding a Portable Class Library (Peter Bryntesson)
Going cross-platform with Xamarin-Adding MvvmCross to your solution (Peter Bryntesson)
Going cross-platform with Xamarin-The Windows Phone App (Peter Bryntesson)
Going cross-platform with Xamarin-Doing the Android port (Peter Bryntesson)