Windows App Developer Links - 2014-05-06
Bing Smart Search gets smarter in Windows 8.1 (Windows Experience Blog)
Reading List now available for Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Phone Blog)
Windows App Development
Launch apps faster with prefetched content (Building Apps for Windows)
Get your libraries ready for Windows Phone 8.1 (.NET Framework Blog)
How to Save and Share Map Screenshots in Windows Store Apps (.NET) (Bing Dev Center Team)
Universal Windows and Windows Phone Apps (Filip Ekberg)
WindowsPhone Store 8.1 vs WindowsPhone 8: Launchers and Choosers(C#-XAML) (Subramanyam Raju)
Trigger a Background Task using Geofence on Windows Phone 8.1 (Rajen Kishna)
A screen-size independent scroll-into-view pane for Windows Phone and Windows Store apps (Joost van Schaik)
Scroll with snapping in Windows Phone 8 (Corrado Cavalli)
Troubleshooting Windows Phone 8.1 Screen Projection (Michael Cummings)
What Developers Need To Know About the Cortana API (Dev-Inspiration)
Episode 155 - "You guys are so American" (Windows Developer Show)
- An history of 11 years of XAML stacks (Jeremy Alles)