Windows App Developer Links - 2014-04-08
- Update on 3D Printing in Windows (Extreme Windows Blog)
Windows App Development
Microsoft to developers at Build: You have the power (Microsoft Blog)
Windows Store universal Windows app opportunity (Building Apps for Windows)
Link Your App to Search Results (Bing Dev Center Team)
About Windows Phone 8.1 and universal apps (Laurent Bugnion)
Windows Phone 8.1 samples in C#, C++, JavaScript (Windows Phone Dev Center)
Diagnosing memory issues with the new Memory Usage Tool in Visual Studio (Microsoft ALM)
Announcing New Microsoft Advertising SDKs, Tools to Help Devs Do More and Earn More with Apps (Microsoft Advertising)
.NET, Cross Platform, & Misc Development
Announcing .NET Native Preview (.NET Framework Blog)
Microsoft .NET Native (Visual Studio)
Inside .NET Native (Going Deep)
Six Essential Tips for Async (Channel 9)