Windows App Developer Links - 2014-02-11
Windows Store App Development
Implementing a SettingsFlyout (settings pane) in Windows Store Apps 8.1 (Iris Classon)
The Windows 8.1 Hub Control (DotNetCurry)
Adding a custom MessageHeader and HTTP header to a WCF method call in a Windows Store app or WP app (Windows Store Developer Solutions)
LexDB performance tuning in a Windows 8 Store app (Diederik Krols)
Portable Class Library (PCL) Timer when Targeting Both Windows 8 and WP using Reactive Extensions (Jason Roberts)
Windows Phone App Development
- How much is a good app store review worth? (Rob Irving)
.NET, Cross Platform, & Misc Development
The role of Behaviors and UserControls in the MVVM paradigm (Andrea Boschin)
Rx and Getting Paged Data from the MovieDb API (Mike Taulty)
- An app developers guide to patent demand letters (Matt Lacey)