Windows App Developer Links - 2013-10-30
Windows Store App Development
Windows 8.1: Location-aware apps - Part #2: Working in background (Andrea Boschin)
Customizing SearchBox appearance in Windows 8.1 Store apps (Marco Minerva)
Figure out deprecated WinRT 8.1 types and members with the DeprecatedApi tool (Christophe Nasarre)
WinJS 2.0 / IE 11: The new and shiny MutationObserver object (Jonathan Antione)
Windows 8 app development: secure user passwords by using Credential Locker (Andrei Marukovich)
Windows Phone App Development
New pubCenter reports to help you optimize ad revenue (Windows Phone Developer Blog)
Create a check for updates page for your app (Nokia Developer Wiki)
Responding to the Windows Phone Toolkit ListPicker closing (Shawn Kendrot)
Creating a Behavior to change text to any case (Shawn Kendrot)
Keeping ads in the same location when the phone orientation changes to landscape (Shawn Kendrot)
An MVVM friendly tap+send and Bluetooth connection helper for Windows Phone 8 (Joost van Schaik)
Fixing the styling of the WPToolkit ToggleSwitch (Matt Lacey)
Problems and fixes when registering a Windows Phone 8 device to deploy/debug applications (Iris Classon)
VS Issue: Designer failing (Cliff Simpkins)