Windows App Developer Links - 2012-11-07
Windows Store App Development
User experience integration testing for Windows 8 apps (Windows 8 app developer blog)
"Now, we explore the new user experience a bit further and highlight some of the interesting interactions and scenarios your app can run into based on our testing of existing apps, and what you can do to make sure your app works correctly..."
Windows 8 Metro: Implementing push notifications (part 1) (Andrea Boschin)
"On the hard way to gain the illusion of having an always connected device, together with a light consumption of power resources, Windows 8 introduces the concept of push notifications..."
31 Days of Windows 8 | Day #6: Search Contract (Jeff Blankenburg)
"Yesterday we introduced Contracts by exploring how to add Settings to our applications. Today we're going to build upon that with Search, and tomorrow Share..."
Adding a settings panel in charms in Windows 8 App- About and Privacy Policy (Rohit Shaw)
"In this article, I will describe how to add "About" and "Privacy Policy" for your application..."
Styling windows 8 - 3 Implicit and explicit styling (HÃ¥kan Reis)
"Let's continue with control styling. It's time to focus on updating the controls with explicit and implicit styling..."
Fun with the Accelerometer on Your Surface RT (Jeff Prosise)
"One of the cool things about Microsoft's Surface RT is that it comes with a rather complete array of sensors. Among those sensors are an accelerometer, which allows software running on the device to sense the acceleration along the X, Y, and Z axes in real time..."
Box Sizing (Jeremy Foster)
"Don't miss the box-sizing property in CSS. It's important. I'll tell you why..."
Windows Phone App Development
8 days of Windows Phone 8 | Day 8: Wallet and In-App purchases (Geert van der Cruijsen )
"Today, the 8th day we'll talk on our last subject of the series, the wallet functionality and how to use in-app purchases..."
How To Install Windows Phone Toolkit - October 2012 (8.0 SDK) via NuGet (WindowsPhoneGeek)
"In this post I am going to talk about how to install the new Windows Phone Toolkit - October 2011 (8.0 SDK) via NuGet..."
MS Open Tech Open Sources Rx (Reactive Extensions) - a Cure for Asynchronous Data Streams in Cloud Programming (Claudio Caldato)
"Today, Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc., is open sourcing Rx. Its source code is now hosted on CodePlex to increase the community of developers seeking a more consistent interface to program against, and one that works across several development languages..."